Thursday, May 1, 2008
This is the end, my only friend, the end...
I have always wanted to write feature stories, which would allow for me to write in a style I am more comfortable with. But after taking this class, I feel that a career as a online reporter may be easier to find, since that seems to be the direction that journalism is going.
The biggest lesson I took from this class was how to work with people. At times it was a struggle to balance my work load with all the group meetings and schedule conflicts I had to deal with. In the end, however, I have produced work that I am proud to show employers. It is work that will helpfully assist me in landing a job, and I need to thank my group partners as well as my teacher. So thanks, and until next time...
Friday, April 25, 2008
First time for the last time...
So, this is my first video blog and it couldn't come at a more appropriate time. Last night was my last class of the semester, and although I probably learned more this semester than my other five combined, I am so relieved it is finally over. Well, until next time...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The end of the road...
Recently, I have been finding it difficult to get good, applicable, and most importantly free music to use in my multimedia packages. In order to solve this problem, I have been recording my own music and using that as a way to get around the many copyright laws that I fear as both a journalist and a student. Not only has it been better for me to use, but I no longer have the problem of listening to hundreds of samples only to find that none of them fit. I can now control the pace, tempo, and sound of my music.
Besides the journalistic eases, this has also given me a channel to broadcast my own work. It helps me in both creative and musical aspects and has helped me grow as a musician and writer (both music and words).
I plan on talking more about this as I undertake my next endeavor, a video blog. I have never done a video blog and I hope that this will improve my editing skills as well as be a pleasant change of pace to for readers.
Finally, on a sadder note, my online journalism class will be coming to a close on Thursday night. The reporting and especially multimedia skills I have developed in this class will go a long way in helping me land a job. Until next time...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The times, they are a-changing...
The best feature, iGoogle, is a personal homepage each user can design with their mail, RSS feeds, weather alerts, and thousands of other "gadgets" that make your homepage a mobile base for all your information needs. Browsing for breaking sports stories is no longer necessary. Google updates me constantly on my home page. It truly is great.
My main reason for changing accounts was that my old screen name of swooshmm no longer fitting for a 21-year-old who is about to enter the job market (m.mullin3 works a lot better). I was planning on this being a difficult transition because so much of my contact information is linked to that address. I receive all my mail sent to my University of Miami address through that name, and also access that name through my phone.
The transition was flawless. I was able to have Google forward all e-mail sent to my Comcast address (including all sent to my school address) by changing the settings to include my swooshmm account in just a few seconds. Done. Fixed. Problem solved. I no longer have to delete old messages. I can just simply archive them and search through them whenever I need. And did I mention that my old emails were taking up 75% of my allotted space on Comcast, but are only using .1% of the incredible 6630 MB of space in my GMail account?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Come together, right now....
CommTogether allows students to host their own blogs (both internally and externally), share video and photo, discuss projects and share ideas. Perhaps the most intrigue function of CommTogether is its ability to host groups, just like Facebook. Teachers will be able to host groups for each of their classes, sending out notes and updates to their entire class and being able to get immediate feedback (both private and public).
This new network has the ability to create a lasting forum for journalism students and reinvent the way communications students interact and work together. If you are a journalism student please click the link above or go to Some of the appearance aspects are still being tweaked but it is fully functional and ready to be used.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Everyday's a new day...
For the rest of my trip, I walked around Golden Gate Park which was amazing. San Francisco is a great city, a little cold, but a great city.
I spent most of today uploading the rest of my pictures and catching up on sleep (apart from the time I spent at the Health Center). I also transcribed the interview I did with a park ranger at Point Reyes. I guess this part of my experience is learning that the work doesn't stop when you come home, but rather it is just beginning. I don't mind, though, because like I said last time, each new story is a new experience, and that keeps things fresh. I think the fact that journalism isn't a nine to five job is what draws me to it.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Bringin' it all back home...
Like I said last time, I finally feel like a real journalist. I'm currently sitting in my hotel room, working on my story, and eating pizza. I guess this is what I can expect if I plan on making a career as a writer. To be honest, I can get used to this...being in a new city, with every move I make being a new experience...this is really exciting.
The one thing that has been different for me, and I guess it's like this for all business trips, is getting receipts everywhere I go. I've never been a big fan of them anyway. They usually just remind of unnecessary purchases I've made with money I didn't have. Now, however, the incentive of being reimbursed for meals and travel has made receipts my friends.
Next time, I'll give you some final thoughts on the rest of my trip, and how it was bringing all the pictures and information I gathered back home.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
California dreamin'...
As a student in the online journalism class, I feel that I have somewhat of an edge over the other reporters going on the trip. I am ready to write for the web, as well as gather video, audio, and photos. Therefore, I think that this trip is a good example for me to put what I've learned into real world context.
For once, I feel like a real journalist. I'm packing my bags right now, and I am going over my list of equipment. I have my camera, both still and video, my audio recorder, head phones, microphones, and of course my laptop. I am excited at the opportunity to go out and test my skills, and I will keep you updated as my next post will come from San Francisco.
Friday, March 28, 2008
I get by with a little help from my friends...
ATTN: All Journalists and Human Beings
SUBJECT: Working with other people actually pays off, especially in regards to journalism and even more especially in regards to Online Journalism.
Thank you and Best Regards,
Heather C.
I'm not sure what it is about this time of year, but everyone seems so stressed out (myself included). It seems like teachers forget that students are in four or five other classes beside their own. The semester is hitting its crucial point, and it has become time to rely on the help of others.
I'm not one to admit when I need help, but I've been learning through my online journalism class that convergence media means more than just converging forms of media, it also means converging minds. In working with my design team on my new website, I have found that two heads (and in this case three) are better than one.
Not only is this a good chance to learn about the positive effects of convergence, but also the negatives. With three people working on one project, there are three times as many chances for success. However, there are also three times as many chances for error. Conflicting ideas and competing egos also contribute to the struggle of group work.
Gaining knowledge on the dynamics of the relationship between journalist and designer is something that will most definitely help when it comes time to apply for a job. The better the journalist understands the designer, and vice-versa, the quicker, and smoother the creation of a final web product will be. I don't mean to ramble on about this, but like Heather said, working with others actually pays off. Thanks Heather, that is definitely a memo worth reading.
So in that spirit, I am off to a meeting with my designers....
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Lay your burden down...
My favorite topic in the first half of his discussion, which was on copyright law, was when he talked about Google Books. Google went to the libraries at major universities, copied some of their famous books, and uploaded them to the web. Rather than asking the rights holder for permission, they issued a general statement, telling them that they were going to do it, and the rights holder had to opt out if he/she didn't want to give Google the rights. By placing the burden on the rights holder, Google saved themselves a lot of time. But this brings up the question of if they legally had the right to go about obtaining books in that way.
In the second half of his talk, Terilli moved from copyright law to defamation. When I asked him who was responsible for the content printed on's blogs, since it is printed under the Herald's banner, but is not necessarily seen by editors, we moved into an entire conversation about open forums and their rights. Terilli spoke of how Section 230 protected forums from being responsible for content written on their site. That is how AOL Bulletins and chat rooms have never gotten AOL into trouble. They individuals who post comments are responsible for their own content, and not the forum itself.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
So where do we go from here?
"There is no single or finished news product anymore," the report says. "As news consumption becomes continual, more new effort is put into producing incremental updates, as brief as 40-character e-mails sent from reporters directly to consumers without editing."
The new report also hinted at some of the flaws of citizen journalism. The report focuses on citizen journalists as "gatekeepers," a title that was once held by mainstream media. "Rather than rejecting the 'gatekeeper' role of traditional journalism, for now citizen journalists and bloggers appear to be recreating it in other places," the report says.
On the contrary, the report mentioned how news organizations are narrowing their focus rather than expanding it. The report suggested that cites like Google News reward those organizations that report the same thing as everyone else.
"Cable news, talk radio (and also blogs) tend to seize on top stories (often polarizing ones) and amplify them," the report says. "The Internet offers the promise of aggregating ever more sources, but its value still depends on what those originating sources are providing. Even as the media world has fragmented into more outlets and options, reporting resources have shrunk."
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Woke up this mornin'...
On a related note, the announcement that Brett Favre plans on retiring made me again think about new media, as I was awoken this morning by a text message from ESPN telling me of his intentions. This is just another example of how the media is trying to go out and find readers by making news even more accessible. The fact that I didn't have to any more than roll over in bed and pick up my phone to find out what today's top sport's story was, just shows how connected Americans are to the new media right now. So with Americans being this in touch with the news, shouldn't journalists be groomed to do the best reporting they can, rather than be a jack of all trades? The readers may think so, but news editors seem to disagree.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
New Blog!
Video killed the radio star....
After explaining the importance of video, Ricardo gave us advice on the importance of audio, the most important aspect of video, according to him. "Seventy percent of video is audio," he pointed out.
This crash course in video is a great way for us to prepare for our next endeavor as a class. Producing multimedia media packages is going to be new territory for most of us. However, the skills we are learning from speakers like Ricardo are only going to help us do better work, both in the classroom and after graduation.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
That's just like your opinion, man....
In a recent article on Pajamas Media titled "The Power of New Media on the Presidency," blogger Steve Boriss tackled the issue of New Media and the effect it is having on this year’s election. Beside the obvious examples on how the vast amount of opinions being published are shaping American ideologies, Boriss makes a shocking, but very appropriate comparison to another point in history, when opinions from all angles were also being published.
-Steve Boriss, "The Power of Media on the Presidency"
I think that this is a great comparison and can be used to show Americans not to be scared of the vast amount of opinions available. If anything, they should be embraced, not as truth, but as a way of investigating and discovering more information on candidates.
For most of the 90's there was a stigma that the media had a liberal bias, but now with news shows, such as Hannity and Colmes, being accepted as opinion, there has been less talk of a bias media and young Americans are beginning to see a shift away from how their parents got news. They are starting to see media move towards this 19th century philosophy of opinion generated news.
Break on through....
When applying for a job, especially in journalism, it is very impressive to be able to tell an employer that you have a website, and even more so if you can claim to have created the site on your own. With links to my resume and all my published articles, a slide show that gives a look into my professional ambitions, and a video bio that allows employers to see a more personal look at who I am, a web page will definitely give me a leg up on the competition.
The final reason a web page is so important is because in the world of new media, it is important to employers that applicants be able to publish on the Internet, as well as gather video, audio, and photographic elements for stories. Being able to prove this before I even go into an interview could prove to be the ultimate difference between getting a job or not.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Headin' in the right direction...
"I put a special emphasis on making sure my students are getting the broad, multimedia training that everyone needs to be successful," Branham said about her work at Texas. She also spoke on the lack of initiative to move into new media at some of her former schools, including Temple University, the University of California at Berkley and the University of Texas.
"I saw the changes that were taking place in the industry, and I was concerned that they really were not considering what was taking place," Branham said.
After attending the Communications Week event on new media and reading this article from the Daily Orange, Syracuse's student paper, it is obvious that the University of Miami is on the right track with teaching convergence journalism and giving its students the chance to learn from professionals.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I'm a hustler, baby...
On Friday I attend a workshop and panel discussion on convergence media for part of
I am really excited about where Current is taking new media. Allowing younger generations to produce their own packages and have them aired on television is something that truly takes vision. Will is a firm believer in there being many roads to success. He recognized how important internships are but also challenged students to go out and get their work published. There will also be many opportunities for young journalists to work in this new media, he affirmed.
Finally, since this new technology has only been available for a few years, younger generations are exhibiting great skill in producing their own news. Therefore, if we can capture the four components of content (character, information, movement, and conflict) according to Will, then we are ready.
“You need to be hustlers,” Will said. “You need to know how to get content to the people who want content.”
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Print journalism heads 'Back to the Future'
"Increasingly, people know what happened the day before the day before."
Yesterday, L. Gordon Crovitz, former Wall Street Journal publisher and Dow Jones vice-president spoke at his alma mater, the University of Chicago, on the future of journalism. The bulk of his speech focused on how traditional newspapers utilize the full capacity of the Internet if they hope to maintain readers and increase profits. Crovitz continued by pointing out how few students actually read print versions of newspaper. Students prefer online news because of their comfort with the new technology and especially because of its timeliness. By the time they read something in a newspaper it is already old news because they saw it on the internet first.
The most interesting point he made was on the newspaper industry's need to use print media as a complement to the online edition. Crovitz pointed out that the Internet is generally best at providing up to date information while print editions are best for in-depth reporting. Newspapers must accept that they no longer serve the same role they did 10 years ago and stop trying to gain readership by giving readers the same coverage of events they’ve seen online.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Turn up the volume....
Yesterday, Sree Sreenivasan, a journalism professor at Columbia, launched a blog talk radio show in which students could ask questions and Sreenivasan would respond through the audio blog. The first topic discussed was Facebook for Journalists. Sreenivasan talked on how students and journalists could use Facebook as a tool for reporting, networking, and publishing.
Using audio blogs like this allow for more people to have their voices heard and allow them to interact with others in a more immediate and personal setting than just message boards.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Read it and weep....
One of the signs of the print news apocalypse appeared out of no where this weekend. When the game was over, in fact immediately after it was over, I received a text message from informing me of the outcome of the game and telling me to visit their website for more information. Having to go online and look up news is now too much effort for most Americans, and news is now sent out to masses, reversing the roles of the two. This is a great step for the journalism industry. Being able to send text message updates on scores and now even major world news allows sites to break stories and make sure their readers know where it came from.
I believe that in the future, with the continuing development of this type of technology and the ability for readers to only receive the news they want to hear, mobile news will eventually surpass, or perhaps work in conjunction with online outlets. This is definitely a step in the right direction, at least from the readers point of view.
Friday, February 1, 2008
We know what you viewed last summer...
By usung this technology, newspapers are able to simplify the news reading process. They are also able to keep visitors on their site for a longer period of time. This is just another example of how the interactivity of he internet is allowing for the simplification of news reading.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Blogs: Now you can be a journalist too...
However, blogs do offer a huge advantage to the average American. If one can sift through the uninformed blogs he will no doubt find vast amounts of information and insight, arguments favoring both sides, and sometimes even spectacular writing.