Friday, February 8, 2008

Turn up the volume....

Little can be said to argue the importance of audio as a news medium. Radio was the first way news was allowed to reach its listeners instantaneously. With the invention of television, radio lost its place in the news industry, but now, with advancements in technology, audio is again becoming an increasingly important component of news telling. Last night, Allison Diaz, Miami Herald freelance photographer, spoke to our class on how to better capture audio and video and use one to compliment the other. This will prove helpful as audio is becoming a more convincing and useful medium.

Yesterday, Sree Sreenivasan, a journalism professor at Columbia, launched a blog talk radio show in which students could ask questions and Sreenivasan would respond through the audio blog. The first topic discussed was Facebook for Journalists. Sreenivasan talked on how students and journalists could use Facebook as a tool for reporting, networking, and publishing.

Using audio blogs like this allow for more people to have their voices heard and allow them to interact with others in a more immediate and personal setting than just message boards.

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