Sunday, March 2, 2008

Video killed the radio star....

On Thursday, Ricardo Lopez of The Miami Herald spoke to my Online Journalism class. He spoke mostly on video, and how we as journalists can add more to our story not only through good content but through proper execution of technical skills. Most journalists today only think in terms of final result, able to recreate interviews and get quotes over the phone. A video journalist, on the other hand, only gets once chance to get the content he/she needs, and must know what that is beforehand. Ricardo couldn't stress enough how important preparation was for a videographer. "Someone told me once," he said, referring to some of his favorite advice, "still photography you shoot with your heart; video you shoot with your mind."

After explaining the importance of video, Ricardo gave us advice on the importance of audio, the most important aspect of video, according to him. "Seventy percent of video is audio," he pointed out.

This crash course in video is a great way for us to prepare for our next endeavor as a class. Producing multimedia media packages is going to be new territory for most of us. However, the skills we are learning from speakers like Ricardo are only going to help us do better work, both in the classroom and after graduation.

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