Friday, March 28, 2008

I get by with a little help from my friends...

I recently received this important memorandum, compliments of Heather Colvin, who runs "Heather's Blog" and thought I would comment on my experiences with "cooperative journalism":

ATTN: All Journalists and Human Beings
SUBJECT: Working with other people actually pays off, especially in regards to journalism and even more especially in regards to Online Journalism.

Thank you and Best Regards,
Heather C.

I'm not sure what it is about this time of year, but everyone seems so stressed out (myself included). It seems like teachers forget that students are in four or five other classes beside their own. The semester is hitting its crucial point, and it has become time to rely on the help of others.

I'm not one to admit when I need help, but I've been learning through my online journalism class that convergence media means more than just converging forms of media, it also means converging minds. In working with my design team on my new website, I have found that two heads (and in this case three) are better than one.

Not only is this a good chance to learn about the positive effects of convergence, but also the negatives. With three people working on one project, there are three times as many chances for success. However, there are also three times as many chances for error. Conflicting ideas and competing egos also contribute to the struggle of group work.

Gaining knowledge on the dynamics of the relationship between journalist and designer is something that will most definitely help when it comes time to apply for a job. The better the journalist understands the designer, and vice-versa, the quicker, and smoother the creation of a final web product will be. I don't mean to ramble on about this, but like Heather said, working with others actually pays off. Thanks Heather, that is definitely a memo worth reading.

So in that spirit, I am off to a meeting with my designers....

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